i'm definitely in the christmas spirit. wrapping is one of my absolute favorite things to do. i wish i could make a profession out of it and get paid lots of money for wrapping other people's presents.
um, you're welcome to come wrap all of mine. I detest wrapping.I am usually wrapping ALL of the Santa gifts at 2am on Christmas morning.. then I'll start wrapping mom's and brothers about 20 min before we head to their house on Christmas day. did I mention how much I loathe that activity(chore)?
it started with just two of us. over a couple years, two little ones were created. add in an uncle, a dog, and three fish to make this home completely chaotic and insanely perfect. these are the happenings of the mcdowell clan.
Katie's 30 before 30
01. project 365 02. shoot a gun 03. go to a rodeo or monster truck rally 04. be tech silent for 48 hours 05. sleep outside 06. donate to locks of love 07. go to a dairy farm 08. go to a winery 09. eat 30 new things 10. read 30 books 11. watch best picture winners since 1984 12. run 30 miles in 1 week 13. read the entire bible 14. host a party 15. be on tv 16. eat vegetarian for 1 month 17. cook an entire meal from the garden 18. take a cooking class 19. find something to volunteer for 20. blog daily for 30 days straight 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Josh's 30 Before 30
01. make a list of 30 things to do before 30 02. go on a spouse overnighter 03. family of 3 trip 04. go skiing/snowboarding/sledding 05. cut down a real christmas tree 06. shave head 07. redo a bathroom 08. 1+ date nights/month 09. finish finn's animal pictures 10. paint all rooms in house 11. learn maya 12. learn illustrator 13. visit jon and carol 14. make new demo reel 15. see final destination 3d 16. make a baby 17. paint something for entryway 18. turn off computer/tv for 48 hrs 19. read 5 classics 20.redesign blog 21. use all of our lomography cameras 22. go to a football game 23. travel through a corn maze 24. visit a dairy farm 25. visit the sears tower 26. go to a concert 27. go skydiving 28.geocache 5 locations 29. start a website with JC 30. watch best picture winners since 1980
um, you're welcome to come wrap all of mine. I detest wrapping.I am usually wrapping ALL of the Santa gifts at 2am on Christmas morning.. then I'll start wrapping mom's and brothers about 20 min before we head to their house on Christmas day. did I mention how much I loathe that activity(chore)?