Wednesday, September 7, 2011


delores. it just sounds like a sweet grandma name, doesn't it? i would hope that everyone has a grandma who is a kind-hearted, selfless, amazing woman. who shares her warmth and love openly. who is the quiet, underlying foundation of their family. i was blessed with two of those women. on sunday, the second went home to heaven.

my grandma was an incredible woman, an incredible role model. Christ was the center of her life, followed closely by her family and dear friends. she raised three more incredible women, who i get the pleasure of calling my mom and aunts. for that alone, i am forever grateful. she showed me how to love, respect, and adore your family. she showed me how to live in spite of events that could cause you to stumble. over the last few years, i have watched this woman become stronger than i had ever gotten to witness. she became a fighter. she used everything she could to try to kick cancer's ass. more importantly, she ignored cancer when she could and continued to live her life.

there's nothing sad about losing a life well lived. she was a courageous woman until the very end. my dear grandma, i will cherish you throughout my life.


  1. Mom would have loved the tribute you wrote about her. She was an incredible lady. But, we all knew that, told her that, and she died knowing what a wonderful family she left. She will be so missed. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Loved this Kate. You have such a talent!!

    Aunt Beth
